4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 05.07.2020

News 05.07.2020

Yesterday, for the first time in nearly 4 months, the club was able to reopen the clubrooms to members. There were a number of happy faces to be seen. Steve VK2SKC handled the BBQ and ensured that members received their food as per food handling guidelines.

In making the clubrooms COVID compliant, physical distancing meant that unfortunately, not everybody who attended could gather in the meeting room; however 7 members were able to be inside the meeting room, 4 were in the club’s radio room and additional attendees were able to take part outdoors.

The club also had members attending remotely via video conferencing. It was a productive meeting and the minutes will be collated and sent soon.

The Club would like to welcome Ryan VK2FRTS and Ward VK2HBZ, whose membership applications were passed at the recent meeting. The club welcomes you.

The Club’s membership renewal date is the 1st of July, renewal emails have been sent to members. Please send a mail to treasurer@ccarc.org.au to renew, or to check your current membership status.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on the 15th of August, with both face-to-face and Video Conference attendance options available. More details will be supplied closer to the date. Present social distancing rules mandate a maximum of 10 occupants within the primary meeting room and 4 occupants within the club’s radio room.

Weather permitting, the club will attempt to set up the undercover area outside with video link, however, space will still be limited.

The Clubs repeater team recently made some changes to the VK2RAG 2- meter repeater; users will observe an increase in coverage area and the club thanks those involved in making this possible.

The club wishes to say a special thanks to Bob VK2AOR for hosting the “Are you okay” net at 10am each day, on the VK2RAG repeater on 146.725MHz.

Something that started out as just a little idea after a regular Thursday night net, has now grown into a significant achievement. Today is day 94 of the net, inching closer to triple figures.

The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Alan VK2MG. The topic of the evening was, “Encouraging Youth into Amateur Radio – What are your thoughts and ideas?” The net ran for nearly 2 hours with an array of fantastic ideas.

Both club nets are on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, on 146.725Mhz; If you’re within range of our repeater, why not drop by?

Remember, you can view the live stream of the Thursday evening net from the club’s Facebook page, or join in via Echo link using the CCARCNSW conference server and more recently via IRLP reflector 9509.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at www.ccarc.org.au; or on Facebook, just search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.


Vice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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