4 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
+61 (02) 4340 2500

News 03.05.2020

News 03.05.2020

Despite some travel and visitation restrictions being eased in New South Wales, access to the club rooms are closed and all future face to face activities are still on hold until further notice.

The club’s executive team wish to advice club members will be receiving communication shortly regarding a business meeting to be held online which will also be available via teleconference facilities.

The club’s repeater committee had observed a case of the 2 Meter repeater going a tad stir crazy. The team were swift in action and after a late-night rendezvous at the repeater site, changes were made and the equipment was back to performing as normal.

The club continues to work on the Brandmeister based DMR MMDVM repeater system and a recently performed a software upgrade, users should notice an improvement of audio quality.

The Clubs project officer thanks all those who have submitted their expression of interest for the MMDVM build day and is working on calculating final costs.

The Club has been working closely with ARNSW on the deployment of a VKDMR based system at the repeater site providing further digital service access.

The Club have set a tentative date of Sunday the 28th February for the 2021 Wyong Field Day So mark that down into your calendars.

The Club hosts a Morning Tea net at 10:00 AM each day. Grab a cuppa and come along for a chat. We would like to thank Bob VK2AOR for facilitating this. The club also runs a weekly Thursday evening net starting at 8:00 PM.

Both nets are available via the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater 146.725. Do you have a suggestion for the clubs next weekly net topic or a burning question? Feel free to leave a comment on the club’s Facebook page or reach out to the club via email.

Remember, you can view the live stream of the Thursday evening net from Facebook, watch later on the clubs YouTube channel or join in via Echo link using the *CCARCNSW* conference server.

You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at ccarc.org.au.

Brad VK2NMZVice-President, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

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